Monday, October 20, 2008

The Sweetest Thing

I was exhausted last night after work, as always. Mason woke up sometime around 1AM... and I couldn't get him back to sleep. He was thrashing around, smiling at me, playing with the blankets and there was nothing I could do about it. Finally, around 3:30 I believe, he fell back asleep... in my spot in the bed. There was no where for me to squeeze myself in between him and George, and I didn't want to chance waking him up by trying to move him.

I ended up curled up on the foot of the bed.

Then, at 5AM, about an hour after I'd managed to finally fall asleep again, I hear his little whine. "Ohhhh, Mason.. go back to sleeeeeep!" Still, making noises. I crawled my aching body up to the top of the bed and looked at him. That's when I heard it.


Are you kidding?! All sleepiness was instantly gone with that word. I'm not sure if he meant it or not, but he said it. It melts my heart, just thinking about it.

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