Friday, October 17, 2008


Inchworms have always been the one bug I was never scared of, even as a kid. They only have legs on the front and the back of their inch-long bodies, and they move by walking their back legs up to their front legs and then walk their front legs out as far as they can stretch.. and repeat. Like this:

As a kid, I'd let them crawl up and down my arm, fascinated by the silly, impractical way they walked. Hours of entertainment.

Now, I have my own inchworm, and he's way cuter than those silly bugs ever could be. He sticks his butt way up in the air and puts his face down and he can make himself scoot forward well... about an inch at a time.

Really makes me wonder where we're going to go from here? I feel like, next, he's just going to get up and run around the house or something.

Little bugger.

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