Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mom Hair Part One

When Mason turned four months old, my hair started to fall out. I guess it's a pretty common thing to happen after pregnancy and is a result of all the crazy hormone changes. But when I wash or brush my hair, it falls out into the drain in clumps; I've always had thin hair, so now I'm actually scared I'm going bald.

So today, at 2 o'clock, I'm getting my hair dyed and cut. Really short. A mom hair cut, if you will, in hopes that the end result will have my hair looking a little fuller. I'm scared. I actually had someone tell me yesterday that Mason wouldn't recognize me, so now I'm worried about that too (although I can't imagine Mason is truely that interested in my hair style).

Here's the mop in question:

And you can see my bald spots in this one:

Yikes.. Hopefully I can go through with this. Stay tuned.

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