Monday, October 27, 2008

Independent (But Only a Little Bit)

Mason did the darnedest thing this morning. I woke up to strange little humming noises that, in my sleepy haze, I wasn't able to identify at first. I looked at the clock and realized it was 7:15. That's a little later than Mason's been getting up lately, so of course I was surprised. I glanced beside me and there he was, wide awake, playing with his feet and singing to himself. I wasn't woken up with the usual grunts and kicks... he was singing, of all things. I've heard about this idea of babies entertaining themselves, but so far, it's been kind of out there with the idea of babies that poop once a week. It just doesn't happen in this house. I mean, he'll play on the floor with some toys for a few minutes without me there, but definitely nothing to brag about. I was so happy to have slept past seven, but still, he didn't need me as soon as he woke up? What was he doing without me? Was he going to get up and change his own diaper, too? I was seriously upset.

It all reminded me of this commercial I saw the other day. I can't remember what it was for but this maybe four-year-old little girl walked into the room and asked her dad if she could borrow the car to go to the movies or something, and when the camera flashed back to her she was a teenager. He gives her the keys and she leaves and an even younger little boy comes in and the dad asks where he's going. He grabs a jacket and says "work". I cried. You probably have to see it to get the full effect, but the point is, I'm just not ready for all that independence.

Then, it took over two hours to get him to bed (so far). I put him down for the first time at 7:30. He was just up for the fifth (sixth?) time since then, and it's 9:45. He's not hungry and he doesn't have a poopy diaper, he just wants me to go in there and cuddle him. He's still just a little guy and he needs his mama. I guess that means he's not planning on singing himself to sleep.


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