Monday, October 6, 2008

Missing Milestones

Mason rolled from back to belly last night for the first time. I was at work. When I got the text message saying that he did it, I almost cried. I guess I knew it was only a matter of time before I missed one of his firsts, but it still hurts a little bit that he didn't wait for me. I've been trying to get him to do it this morning with no luck. He'll go half way, roll up on his side, and flop back down onto his back. Then he smiles at me to make sure I know that he could do it if he was in the mood.

I have to go back to work in about ten minutes so I'm sure he'll be rolling all over the house.

EDIT: When I got home from work that afternoon, Mason hadn't rolled all day. Still, I set up the video camera and we hadn't even been playing for five minutes when he flipped right over and cracked up, laughing at himself.

Guess he loves me after all.

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