Saturday, October 11, 2008

Everybody Loves Mason

I had to take Mason to a meeting at work this morning. The meeting was mandatory, and George was working too, so there was no one to watch him. I was dreading it, not only because of how boring it was going to be for me, but also because I wasn't sure how Mason was going to act. Really, you can never tell what he's going to do... the kid is completely unpredictable. Maybe he'd practice his new, high-pitched, happy-scream he's been working on. Maybe he'd be bored and cry. Maybe he wouldn't want me to hold him and would struggle to escape my grasp the entire time.

Nope, nope, and nope. He played, he smiled, and then he slept. Of course, he slept with me standing up, rocking him back and forth, drooling all over the place (him, not me). After forty-five minutes of that, my arms and back ache, but hey, he was happy. And, as always, everyone wanted to hold him. It doesn't scare me anymore, as long as all hands touching my baby have been sanitized. And he isn't at all bothered by being passed around. Well, he wasn't bothered today. Tomorrow could be totally different.

Really though, how could you not love that face?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I had been at your meeting instead of my stupid meeting in Hagerstown! We didn't have any cute babies!!!