Monday, October 13, 2008

Stroller Adventures and a Fresh Air Photoshoot

Work was just not fun today, so I was really excited to get home and find Mason in a great mood. He was too happy to even be bothered to really eat, as has been typical lately. He wanted to roll and play and chew on things... so that's what we did. Shortly after, we decided to venture out on our walk early since it's starting to get dark a little before seven now.

Over the past four and a half months, I've watched my baby grow and grow as I struggle to hold onto memories of my little peanut. He's gone from being too small for newborn clothes to fitting snuggly in a size nine month. We make changes, even though they're sad sometimes, every single day. Tonight, for the first time, I put Mason in the stroller without his baby seat. I'm sure I could have done it a long time ago, as big as he is, but I guess I was clinging to visions of my tiny baby who'd be far too small and floppy to sit in the stroller. He wimpered a little when I put him in it, but when he realized that he could see me if he looked up he was happy again.

He looked so much older in the stroller that way that I'm not sure if I'll put him in it like that again. Ever.

I took him out to stretch and get some fresh air when we got to the park and figured I'd try out my new camera in the little bit of sunlight that was left. Mason loved playing with the leaves, although he was mostly just worried about trying to eat them, and was too distracted by the kids playing on the swingset nearby to bother looking at the camera in most of the pictures. Good thing my baby couldn't take a bad picture if he tried.

When it started to get dark, we headed home. We didn't even make it a hundred yards before I noticed Mason was passed out, still clutching his monkey teether.

I was actually able to take him out of the stroller, carry him and all my stuff up the stairs, and lay him down on the couch without him even peeping open an eye.

I guess all that fresh air and growing can really wear a kid out.

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