Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Teachable Moments

If there's one thing I learned in the four years I spent in college working on my teaching degree, it's that there are "teachable moments" everywhere. A good teacher can take almost any situation and help a child learn something new. It can happen anywhere and can be something big or small. If you think about it, most of the valuable lessons you learned as a child probably weren't consciously taught to you, they were learned in the casual moments of real life.

Now, I know Mason's just a baby, but I don't think you're ever too young to start learning. It's my job as his mom to help him develop morals and values so he can be a good person. No matter what he ends up doing or being when he grows up, if he's a good person who loves other people and himself, I'll know I did a good job as a mama. I really believe that the stuff he learns now will without a doubt sink in and help determine who he becomes as he gets older. Things like how to treat people, how to love... you didn't take notes on that stuff, your parents taught you.. and you probably didn't even realize it.

So today I dressed Mason in his green "Love Planet Earth" shirt:

We sat outside and I told him about the weather, the bunny we saw hopping across the parking lot, and how the trees helped make oxygen. We talked about polution and how we have to be nice to the planet and the animals so they can be around for a long time. He was so happy knowing that even his shirt was helping the environment that I decided to give him a little lesson on the importance of recycling.

Now, does that look like a kid who would litter? I think not.

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