Thursday, September 25, 2008


I went out last night for the first time in, hmm, I'd say close to 15 months. It's been forever. I had a few drinks, danced, and, eventually, crawled in the door at 3AM.

I did, however, manage to learn a few things. Number one, I can't drink anymore. I am now a lightweight... and I'm okay with that. Number two, I can't dance anymore. I've been barefoot for the past year and have forgotten how to wear heels. I have blisters on four different toes. And number three: Going to bed at 3AM is way harder now that I have to get up and take care of Mason at 6. And by 'way harder' I mean just about impossible.

It's almost twenty-four hours later and I still don't feel right. Ugh. I'm just not cut out for the whole bar thing anymore. This mama's never drinking again, that's for sure. I was kind of mad at myself for not being able to feed my baby in the morning. I mean, I knew I wouldn't be able to.. the last thing he needs is the milk-cocktail that he surely would have been drinking.. but I just felt really bad about everything afterwards.

But Mason wasn't mad at me. Actually, I think he smiled more than usual in an attempt to cheer me up. And you wanna know what my little guy did for his poor, hung over mama? The baby who will only take naps in his swing for forty-five minutes at a time decided to pick today to cuddle up in bed at noon for a (two hour!) nap with Mommy. I couldn't believe it. He was so cuddly too, all nuzzled in close and smiling in his sleep. He has no idea how happy he makes me.

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