Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Murphy's Law

We're getting Mason's three month pictures taken tonight at six. I know, we're a couple weeks late, but I'm super excited about it. I have the cutest little outfit picked out and I woke up this morning with one mission: to keep Mason napped and happy until 6 'o clock.

Yesterday, he had three really good naps and was happy and playing all day long. So today should be cake, right?


He fell asleep for a nap around 11:30 and I (stupidly) decided to run the self-cleaning oven. It was all crusty so I figured, hmm, why not? The little note in the instructions said something about removing birds from the area because of the fumes. Birds only. Nothing about babies. So while he napped, I turned it on... it was supposed to run for four and a half hours. After 20 minutes my eyes were watering, even with the fan on and the doors open. I turned it off, but of course, Mason woke up at about 12:15 and wouldn't go back to sleep. The whole apartment stunk.

Okay, nap over. Fast forward to about a half hour ago. After a lot of screaming and fussing, he finally fell asleep. It's amazing what lack of naps can do to babies. And mommies. Mason wasn't the only one in tears.

He just sneezed and woke himself up. Ugh. I have a bad feeling about these pictures.

Mission failed.

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