Monday, September 8, 2008

Beautiful Mess

Every Monday, it seems like things are in shambles around here. After working all night on Saturday and Sunday, I don't get to bed until really late, so on Monday, I feel like doing absolutely nothing. Yes, the girl who used to come in at 3 in the morning on a boring night is physically exhausted over two nights in a row of being up slightly past midnight. But these days, on Monday mornings at 7am, when Mason starts his squirming and kicking, I'd pretty much give anything for an extra hour of sleep.

But no, Mason doesn't care much about whether or not mommy sleeps. I wouldn't dream of trying to get him to nap, either. Naps are for babies. Sleep is for the weak. Mason wants to get up, eat, play, and poop. He wants me to sing to him, and make funny faces, and carry him around the house. And I do because that's how much I love him.

As a result of sleep deprivation, this is what my usually clean kitchen looks like on a Monday:

The living room isn't too much better:

And me, at 2 in the afternoon, still in pajamas, still not showered. The dark circles under my eyes aren't makeup smudges. I wish they were, but no, they're really there.

Even Mason hates Mondays:

But even at his absolute grumpiest, he's the most beautiful part of my day. I'd never sleep again if I could keep him happy forever.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

You totally need a bigger microwave.