Sunday, September 21, 2008


He can't roll from his back completely to his belly yet, but Mason can now go from laying on his back to a position that looks like this.

He's half way, he just can't get that pesky arm out of the way. Seriously, what are you supposed to do with that bottom arm? In an attempt to teach him, I tried to lay on my back and roll onto my belly. It's harder than you'd think. I didn't know what to do with my arm, either.

Anyway, he's still chewing on everything in sight. My grandma told me yesterday that when my dad was a baby, he used to suck his fingers this exact same way... just the middle two.

He chews on his toys too. His new favorite is this turtle.

All this chewing and rolling gets confusing, especially when he tries to do both at once. My little multi-tasker.

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