Friday, January 30, 2009

Missed Photo Opportunities

We went to the Waffle Shop this morning. Mason was sleepy, but it wasn't time for his morning nap yet, so I figured he'd be alright for breakfast, the bank, and a quick trip to Walmart. For breakfast, Mason had wheat toast with cream cheese and some blueberries. He was so excited to be sitting in his high chair, banging on the table, and gumming his toast to death that he kept letting out these super high-pitched squeals that had every old lady in the place gazing lovingly in our direction. A few came up to us, made comments, and tried to win a smile. He's quite the popular kid; he always draws a crowd. I just wished I would have brought my camera to snap a few pictures of him in that high chair, looking so big and so happy.

About an hour later, at Walmart, something happened that I would have sworn would never happen with my baby. Again, I wished I would have had my camera, but luckily I was able to get these with my cell phone:

I've seen pictures of babies sleeping in high chairs and passed out mid-jump in their jumperoos. But Mason? Never! The kid doesn't even like to sleep at two in the morning, why on Earth would he zonk out in a shopping cart under the bright lights of the Walmart Super Center on a Friday afternoon? Who knows.

All I know is I promise to never leave the house - for any reason - without my camera again. Not even to walk to the mailbox. You never know when something exciting is going to happen with this baby around.

1 comment:

Doublebanker said...

Good a band in the area here called Chasin Mason.

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