Thursday, January 15, 2009

Getting Somewhere

On his six month birthday, Mason learned to get up on his hands and knees, rock back and forth, and even push himself backwards a little bit - the first steps toward crawling. I figured it would be only a couple days until he figured the whole crawling thing out. A week, tops. But now, about forty-five days later, he's still rocking back and forth and scooting backwards around the living room.

For the past week or so though, it looks as if he's starting to figure out the way it all works. He moves his knees until they're both up behind his hands and then... he falls over. I've tried moving his hands for him, but he seems to keep all his weight in the front, so as soon as I pull his little hand forward he just topples onto his face.

I think he's starting to get frustrated with his immobility though, and he's been trying harder than ever because of it. Today, he actually moved one hand forward three times in a row. We've been practicing all day:

and I think we're getting somewhere.

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