Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Bedtime Story

Well, at six o'clock Mason had squash and pear:

with some banana yogurt for dessert:

Just like George did yesterday, I gave Mason his bath at six forty-five:

At six fifty-five we did lotion and jammies:

At five after seven, we read a story:

Finally, at seven twelve, he started to eat. A lot. He guzzled milk for a half an hour before I stopped him and layed him in his crib. That was at seven forty-two. He was awake, and he flopped around in there, whining and babbling for three minutes. I shushed him until he got quiet , and then I ducked out of his view. I layed on his floor, wihtout moving, for ten minutes, and after I hadn't heard anything for awhile I slowly peeked up at him. Sleeping!

I army crawled out of his room and haven't heard a peep since. He put himself to sleep, and I saw it with my own eyes. Amazing.


Jessie said...

SUCCESS! Way to go, Megan (and Mason!). I would have loved to see your army crawl. :)

I hope this does the trick every night!

Ashley B said...

Good job mama! And woo-hoo!