Friday, January 2, 2009


I took too long in Target. I always take too long in Target.

See, what had happened was, my pump broke. So I went to Target looking for a new one, as well as some storage bins, a toy basket for Mase, and some diapers. Oh, and George said I could pick out a birthday present - anything I wanted, up to a hundred dollars. Awesome. So we left the house at five with Mason looking especially cute in some new jeans.

George dropped us off and Mason and I cruised around Target for awhile, browsing the aisles. There's so much to look at and I really don't know where the time went. I did get a pump though, which is where the first part of onomatopoeia comes in.


So I got the world's best pump and the storage bins and the basket and the diapers and threw in some eco-friendly kitchen cleaner and some Bounty paper towels, but I couldn't find anything I wanted to get myself. By then, it was already six fifteen, so I settled on a twelve dollar paperback book and we headed to the register.

Of course, the checkout girl was new, so it took twice as long as it normally does. Six thirty. We piled all our stuff in the car but I still had to grab a few things from Walmart. We got there and I ran in alone while George drove around the parking lot with a slightly-fussy Mason. Milk, eggs, bread, cheese, lunch meat, butternut squash, frozen pizzas.. I'm in and out in six minutes but it doesn't matter. I open the car door and that's when I smell it.

And that's where the second part of onomatopoeia comes in.

Pfffftttt! The all too familiar sound of an enormous poop explosion.

It was up his back, running down the butt of his pants, and all over his carseat. Remember how he was wearing his cute little jeans and long sleeved shirt? That means there was no onesie or anything to catch all that poop. Ugh. He had sweet potato again yesterday. And a little bit of mashed up apple. All I have to say is, he's lucky I love him.

At least it was bath time. Let's just hope butternut squash poop doesn't smell so bad.

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