Friday, January 16, 2009

Tough Guy

Some mornings, Mason giggles and slaps Daddy in the face until he wakes up. If I don't have my hair pulled back, he grabs it in his fists and pulls out four strands a time (ouch!). It's not because he's violent, it's just because he gets excited and doesn't know his own strength. One of Mason's favorite things in the house is my bedroom mirror. Months ago, he would just stare at himself and appear to be a little confused. Now though, toughy sits on the dresser and tries to beat himself up.

Tonight, he had a great time punching and diving at the mirror, amazed by the speed of the baby he just can't outsmart. It was cute and all, but my main goal was to tire him out. After he played in the mirror, we wrestled around and I tickled him until he was laughing so hard he was gasping for breath.

Hopefully, Mason wore himself out today. The other morning, I filled up a coffee filter with sugar instead of coffee grinds and was two seconds away from hitting the button to brew. I think that means Mama needs some sleep.


Anonymous said...

Megan, you and George most certainly made the cutest baby EVER.

Megan said...

Aww Jill, I miss you. You need to meet Mason asap. He's even cuter in person.