Monday, January 5, 2009

On and On

Over the past week or so, I've been working on cleaning this place from top to bottom. I'm still only about half way done. The reason it's taking so long is because I can only work on anything for about twenty minutes at a time while Mason Wide-Awake Anti-Sleep takes his naps. I'm making a lot of progress though. I went through boxes and boxes of old journals, notes from junior high friends, seashells found on numerous beaches from numerous vacations over the years, and Spice Girls CDs, and you know what? I actually have thrown most of it away. I kept the journals and pictures, but threw away pretty much everything else even though it was sad to part with things that, at one point, meant so much to me.

I went through Mason's stuff again too, and put it all in one of the new storage bins I got the other night. Before I put it in the storage closet, I cried a little, looking at how tiny everything was (seriously, how did he fit in that stuff?).

Speaking of tiny: Mason's carseat. He's about three inches too long for it and, I believe, right at the maximum weight of twenty-two pounds. Luckily, I have another one on the way for him, because he's really not crazy about being stuffed into this one anymore:

Since I'm reminiscing and all, here's teeny baby Mase in the same carseat when he was only a week old:

Did someone mess with my watch? Where did the time go? I'd imagine it felt this way for my mom. And her mom. And her mom.

Three old Sketchers boxes I found in the closet held notes from four of my best friends in eighth grade. They were dated '98 and '99 and it's really hard to believe that they were written ten years ago. I still remember the dances and the classes and the boys they were talking about so clearly that it could have been last week.

And Mason. I remember him and his little bobblehead looking so tiny and fragile in that giant carseat. We were getting ready to take a walk and we got fifty yards away from our apartment when I saw one dark rain cloud in an all blue sky and got so worried that I practically flew back inside. It had to have been yesterday.

"I give it to you not that you may remember time,
but that you might forget it now and then for a moment
and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it
-William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury

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