Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Under Pressure

For some reason, George has always been better than me at getting Mason to sleep. Maybe it's my reluctancy to let Mason so much as whine in his crib. Maybe it's because he just loves spending time with me and doesn't want to waste our time together sleeping. Maybe it's because George loads him up with some sort of baby Nyquil without telling me.

In any case, George has put Mason to bed for the past three nights in a row. Saturday night was fairly normal, with Mason coming into bed with us around midnight and waking up every hour or two. Sunday night though, he stayed asleep from eight thirty at night until seven o'clock in the morning without a peep. Then, last night, he didn't wake up and come into bed with us until five thirty this morning. It's not that I mind him being in our bed, but it's just that when he's in there all night, he doesn't want to sleep. He'd rather eat. And play with Daddy. And pull my hair. And eat. But now that he's sleeping, he's so much happier. Everybody's happier.

The only thing is, I'm terrified of bedtime tonight. I'm pretty sure I'm going to mess up all the progress George has made with it. We'll see though. I mean, how hard can it be? This is what George did yesterday (from The Daily Mason Log):

6:21PM - Squash and pears for dinner
6:45PM - Bath time
6:55PM - Lotion and jammies
7:09PM - Story
7:15PM - Bottle
7:32PM - Put Mason in crib awake but sleepy, left the room after shushing him a little
7:39PM - Quiet but still a little bit awake
7:41PM - Sleeping!

It's not really any different than what I usually do, besides the last part. Mine usually is the same up until:

7:15PM - Boob
7:30PM - Still, boob
8:00PM - Boob, still, but almost passed out enough for me to drop him into his crib without him realizing it
8:15PM - Sleeping! and oblivious to the fact that he's now in his crib
8:45PM - Awake (and then awake 874 times after that)

So yeah, my way isn't exactly the most fun thing in the world. We'll see how tonight goes. Update to follow.

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