Saturday, December 20, 2008


I've always been snoopy when it comes to Chistmas presents. I remember sneaking into my mom's closet and peeling the tape off really carefully so she wouldn't notice (she always noticed). I don't mind surprises, I just hate waiting for them.. so of course, I wanted to start giving Mase his gifts weeks ago, especially since I put a ton of thought into each one. I've held out though and I'm really proud of myself, but if I can't show Mason, I've got to show someone. I don't want to spoil all of the surprises, but here are two of my favorite things.

First is a soft teether made of recycled materials that you put pictures in.

And then there's the tag blankie that I had made with his name on it. Mason's always pulling at the tags on everything, so I know he's going to love it, and it's the softest thing in the world. It's just a little 12x12 lovie blanket and I'm hoping he'll want to carry it around everywhere Linus-style.

At least I only have to hold out for a few more days.

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