Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This apartment is still in post-Christmas shambles. There are toys everywhere, needles are falling off the tree at an alarming rate, and it's all made ten times worse because I decided to pick today to clean out our storage closet. Oh yeah, and it was laundry day.

Laundry drives me crazy. I'm fine with getting it all together, separated into piles, and starting the first load. I can usually even remember to switch it in and out all day. But that last load usually stays in the dryer for a week, until I start the whole process over again and realize it's still in there. Today, in my decluttering frenzy, all I managed to do was take the load of darks from last week out of the dryer, throw them on the couch to wait for them to magically fold themselves, and wash, dry, and fold Mason's clothes.

There's only one thing I like about doing laundry.

Matching Mason's teeny pairs of socks.

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