Tuesday, November 11, 2008

When Giraffes Attack

Now that Mason is beginning to get a little more mobile, a whole new world of possibilities is opening up to his little baby brain. I'm seriously terrified of crawling and walking, but this rolling and sitting stage isn't too scary. It's hilarious to watch his little head bobble around when he's sitting up and I get so proud when he flips onto his belly and gives me a big smile.

Mason loves animals, but I'm pretty sure giraffes are his favorite. While he used to be satisfied to lay on his playmat and gaze up at his giraffe friend from below, he's realized that life can be much more fun when he's up at Giraffe's level.

Now, he can eat Giraffe,

strangle Giraffe,

and pull on Giraffe's tail.

So maybe he's a little rough with his friends. But Mason and his new BFF paused their wrestling match to pose for some pictures together.

Hopefully this doesn't mean Mason's destined to be a bully in junior high. I'm sure Giraffe started it.

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