Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mommies Don't Get Sick

But I'm sick.

I have a sore throat, which normally wouldn't be a big deal, only I'm well aware of where it goes from here. It starts out this way every single year, right around this time. I feel a little scratchy for a few days, then it gets sore, and then I wake up in the morning with the biggest tonsils in the world. This time, I'm determined to get past it before it gets really bad. Usually I call the doctor and he gives me a diagnosis of strep throat and some antibiotics. But these days, I can't take any medicine, so I guess that means no loading up on Nyquil and passing out. It's all natural, baby-friendly remedies for me. As I type, I'm eating non-mentholated coughdrops and choking down some kind of ginseng tea with honey.

I think it's an unspoken rule that moms can't get sick, and if they somehow do get sick, they sure as heck can't act like it. How could I perform my mommy duties if I'm lying around in bed all day? I don't think my mom ever got sick when I was little. I can clearly remember times when my dad had the flu or something equally as harmless. He'd be laying on the couch, eating soup and getting taken care of as if he were dying... but never my mom. It's just not allowed. I'm not worried about myself so much anyway, because the only thing I can think about is poor little Mason getting my strep throat. Everything I've read so far says it's highly unlikely. And anyway, I could wake up tomorrow morning and feel fine.

Let's hope.

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