Monday, November 24, 2008

I've Gotta Move

I think I've mentioned before that Mason's been scooting all around the apartment. When he's on his belly, he pushes back with his arms, so he kind of slides along backwards. It's pretty funny to watch and he's quick about it, too. This morning, while I was doing my makeup for work, he got stuck in a pile of pillows in the corner of the bed where it meets the wall. Last week, I turned my back for two seconds to grab a bottle of water, and when I looked over at him he'd gone about four feet and was pretty much in the fireplace. What this means is no fires this winter.

While I was at work this afternoon, Mason rolled a 360. Back, belly, back. He even managed to grab the toy he was after in the process. He can travel - on his own - to get what he wants. Scary, isn't it? What this means is I'm going to have to keep a really close eye on him.

Closer than I thought, actually, because all this scooting and rolling just isn't enough for Mason. One minute, he was laying on his belly, looking all innocent and immobile:

and the next minute, he was doing this:

That, my friends, is the crawling position. Let me be the first to say that I wasn't expecting it at all. A quick look at my developmental milestones chart tells me that the average age for crawling is eight months. Six months is early, but it might still be awhile before he crawls; he didn't actually GO anywhere, he just kind of rocked back and forth and then fell on his face. Really though, he's clearly advanced, and what this means is that it's only a matter of time.

And if that all wasn't enough to wrap my Mommy Mind around, a few minutes later he went from his knees into this position:

I'm pretty sure that in yoga, that little move would be called Downward-Facing Dog. He was either practicing his yoga skills or doing the cutest little baby pushup I've ever seen. Honestly, I'm just glad it was bedtime after that. I think that's enough new tricks for one day.

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