Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall Back

Last night was the start of daylight savings time, meaning we set the clocks back an hour. Normal people were excited about that extra hour of sleep they were going to get before the alarm went off for work this morning. Me? I was dreading it.

Setting the clocks back an hour means that since Mason usually gets up at six o'clock, he was going to get up at five. After all, he knows nothing of time changes or alarm clocks and I was positive that at five o'clock, I'd be woken up by baby kicks and grunts. I worked last night and didn't get to bed until midnight, so needless to say I wasn't thrilled at the prospect of being up long before the sun.

But I was wrong. Mason didn't get up at five.

He got up at four. I'm not even kidding. We were taking a nap at six thirty in the morning.

And still, so happy. What a guy.

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