Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today was Mason's first election and I was super excited about it. We had about an hour and a half wait and Smalls didn't even start getting impatient until the last twenty minutes or so. I think it's because he knew how important it all was to me. I look at it like this: I do all I can to make the best decisions for Mason. I've read and I've researched and I've made important choices every single day since I became a mom. I have to think about things like which vaccines I want him to have and which ones I don't, when to start solid food, and where he'll go to school. Whoever wins this election will make a big difference in Mason's future regarding his healthcare, his education, and the overall quality of life he's going to have, so I have to make a choice there too and it's my responsibility as his mom to do everything I can to give him the best future possible.

So I voted today, for the first time ever, on behalf of Mason. He sat on my lap, slobbering on the table and trying to grab the ballot. I know I only have one little vote, but I'd like to think it means something, especially since Pennsylvania is such an important state in this election. On the news this morning they were saying that if John McCain can win in PA, he will most likely become president. I guess I was so willing to wait this morning because I feel like I have to do what I can to prevent that, even if I can't do all that much. Obama is ahead in all the polls, so it's looking good, but you just never know. I just hope enough people were able to get out there and do what they can to help make some changes.

Mason sported some election gear. Yes, I made him a tshirt.. hey, I have a lot of time on my hands after he goes to sleep.

The shirt was a big hit. The reporters that were taping right next to where we were standing were cracking up over it and kept coming over to talk to Mason. He was all smiles and hamming it up, so I know they would have gotten him on camera if it wasn't for the one reporter that was messing with her hair and wasn't ready to go on camera until we were way past them in the line. Oh well, I guess Mason will have to find another way to get his fifteen minutes of fame.

So here's hoping we get the results we want tomorrow. You should definitely vote, no matter who you vote for. And good thing presidential elections only happen every four years. All that voting really wears a kid out:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GOBAMA!! Mason did it! That is the cutest shirt I have ever seen!