Tuesday, November 25, 2008


My baby turned six months old today. I've been a mama for one hundred and eighty-four days.

In six short months, I've learned more than I'd learned in the twenty-three and a half months of my pre-Mason life put together. I've learned how to wrestle a twenty pound baby into a diaper before he sends a stream of pee across the room. I've learned how to get poop and spit up out of carpet, microsuede furniture, clothes, and my own hair. I've learned that there's no reason for anyone to use the metaphor "sleeping like a baby" unless you wake up at least eight random times throughout the night to eat and play. I've learned that the only thing more difficult than trying to cut baby fingernails is trying to cut baby toenails. I've learned that I have more love to give than I ever realized. And that it isn't possible for a second to go by without me thinking about him. And that I can be completely selfless. And that everything else about me might change, but for the rest of my life, I'll be Mommy.

We spent our whole day together, just the two of us: playing, laughing, and practicing almost-crawling. He's so excited to be up a little higher than the floor, and I can tell he's really anxious to get moving. His legs aren't cooperating though. I still can't believe that he learned how to roll full-circle and get up on his knees like that on the day before he turned six months old. I kept checking his mouth today, half expecting to find a tooth or two. I'm so glad there weren't any. I don't think I can handle any more giant milestones this week.

It's okay Mason, you can slow down now.

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