Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dinner, a Movie, and a Standing Baby

Well, date night was a success. Of course I worried. I cried on the way out the door and checked my phone ten times in the fifteen minutes it took us to get downtown to Mad Mex. But after receiving several pictures on my phone of a happy, smiley Mason (and a margarita and a half), I suggested that George and I try to go out alone together once a month.

Mason had fun with his grandma, and even though they had a little trouble with bedtime, everything was fine. In the middle of dinner, I got a text from my mom that said, "did you know he could stand up in his crib?" Nope. Definitely didn't know that. But he did. And so far this morning, he's pulled himself up on the edge of the bathtub, his changing table, his toy basket, the box of our new tv stand, the coffee table, and me.

When I knew he was asleep for the night I stopped worrying. We saw Slumdog Millionaire (my pick) and it was really, really good. Now that the effects from Mad Mex's giant margaritas have worn off, I'm not quite sure I'll be ready to do this all again in a month, but I definitely won't wait another nine.

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