Thursday, February 19, 2009

Changing Games

I dread poopy diapers. It's not because I'm scared of poop (after almost nine months of wiping someone else's butt, I'm unphased by even the smelliest of turds), it's because there's no easy way to change Mason. Putting him on his changing table has become almost impossible. I thought it was bad when he wanted to roll over to look out the window, but recently he's started standing up, pulling down the blinds, and trying to dive off the table to his impending doom. It just wasn't working out.

So I started to change him on the floor. It's much safer that way, but that sure doesn't make it any easier. It's still a wrestling match, and now I have to follow him around the room while he giggles and crawls away from me at high speeds. I swear he poops more often on purpose now just so I have to chase him around.. and really, there's nothing I can do but laugh and play his game (and cross my fingers that he doesn't decide to pee).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ella is doing the sammme thing. But she is not the master crawler that Mason is, she does a sumo wrestler crawling move. You can't get mad at that sweet face!