Thursday, January 19, 2012

Again, With the Hamster

I promise this will not turn into a hamster blog. Really, I do. But the little thing is so freaking cute.

The only problem we've had so far is that when Hug Lovely hides, she really hides.

We've already lost her twice. And by "we" I really mean "Mason".

Everyone thinks hamsters aren't friendly and bite and just hide from everyone all day. Not ours! I don't think I'm a pet person, but after Mason goes to bed and it's really quiet and I sit down to read my book, Hug Lovely cuddles up with me.

Yes, I did buy Hug Lovely for Mason, not myself. I swear. And yes, I'm cuddling with a hamster. I know. Now when I start reading Infinite Jest out loud to her, then we'll call it a problem. For now though, it's kinda cute.

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