Monday, January 11, 2010

Year Twenty-Five

My birthday came and went without me feeling any different in terms of age. Am I happier? Absolutely. Do I feel any older? Not really.
I feel like I accomplished a lot in my first twenty-five years of life. I evolved from a tiny, helpless lump of a baby into a completely self-sufficient person. I almost have a college degree. I made mistakes, learned from them, fixed them, and became a stronger person because of them. I grew, gave birth to, and raised the smartest, happiest, most adorable baby I've ever come across in my life.

Of course, there are plenty of things I still want to accomplish. Plenty. Here are five things I'd love to get done before my twenty-sixth.

1. Get my license back and get a car. This should be easy and should happen within a month.

2. Go back to school in either the summer or fall. Even if for no other reason than the fact that I'm beyond sick of waiting tables.

3. Finish writing my first book. Meaning, get beyond the one page I have written. Maybe even get it published.

4. Save money. Have $20,000 in Mason's savings by my next birthday.

5. Let it be. Stop worrying. Stop dwelling. Stop freaking myself out. It will work and it will be amazing.


Brianne said...

It WILL work! Go Megs! (I love your lists :-)

SHAWNY said...

Aww!!! Happy Belated love!!!