Friday, January 29, 2010


Mason's been going to bed wayyy too late for my liking. The other night, I came home from work early (like, ten o'clock) and Mason was STILL awake in his crib. He's always up at seven in the morning, no matter what, and he's been ridiculously grumpy to the point that I contemplate jumping off the balcony at least three times a day. I'm talking clinging to my leg, whining non-stop, throwing little tantrums if I take something away from him... and diaper changes - ugh.. I don't even want to get into it. I cry every time the kid pees for fear of the drama that's about to ensue. If I give up, mid-diaper change, and let him scamper away naked, the kid smiles like he just won the Olympics. He's testing me and I'm failing.

This has been going on for two weeks, so not only am I stressed, I feel like The World's Worst Mom. Obviously, something needs to be done before I lose the little bit of my mind that remains. Last night I put my foot down, and at exactly seven, I plopped Mase into his crib. I went into my room and prepared for the worst. Nothing. I could hear him in there, conversing with Piggy. Then I heard Piggy fly over the edge of the crib and land on the floor. Uh oh. Nope... still nothing. Ten minutes later, I crept into his room to see him sleeping like the innocent little baby he is.

And now. It's NINE O'CLOCK and I just heard the first little sounds of Mason as I was typing this. Hopefully, I'll walk in to a sunshiny baby smile instead of a grumpy, tantrum-throwing mess.

... to be continued.

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