Sunday, January 17, 2010


I lose my keys at least four times a week. Half the time it's Mason's fault, the other half of the time I blame it on him anyway. I lost them, once again, last week. My spares, actually, as the originals were already missing and had been for months. I looked EVERYWHERE. Well, I thought so anyway.. until I realized I hadn't looked in the most obvious place ever: the couch cushions.

While I searched, I threw all the cushions on the floor for Mase to play on - hey, Mads liked it.

I found my keys in the couch, of course. Well, the originals. I still haven't come across the spares I was looking for but I guess it doesn't matter as long as I can get into my apartment. Deep, deep in the back of the couch was a set of keys, the lens cap to my camera, four Teddy Grahams, five dollars and twenty-five cents, and a chapstick.

I wonder where his other hiding places are...

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