Monday, June 1, 2009

First Birthday Fun

I was late to Mason's first birthday party. Ten minutes late, actually. And not ten minutes past the time I wanted to be there to set up (noon), ten minutes past the time the party actually started (one). I had streamers and these really cute palm trees I wanted to put up to go with his jungle theme, but instead, I threw on some table cloths and called it a day.

It turned out really well though. The weather was beautiful, Mase had fun, and almost forty people showed up out of the sixty I'd invited, so I'd call it a success.

He was happier than he looks in this picture, I swear:


Trying on his new shoes from Aimee:

The birthday boy and Emidio:

Grandma and Aunt Margie:

With Bonnie, who I'm pretty sure Mason can tell is carrying a human life because he loves her:

Mads - who was apparently just really thirsty:

George and Kenny:


Eating strawberries with his great-grandma:

Eating his smash cake... very carefully:

Emidio and I:

High-fiving cousin Nya:

Mason, my grandma, and me:


Present opening:

Trying on a new hat from Bridget and Devon:

Torture by great-grandparents:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are all really cute! :) You guys look great.