Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bus Ride

Mason got tons of toys for his birthday. Seriously, tons. Every night when he falls asleep, I take a deep breath and begin to straighten up the living room that inevitably looks like Toys 'R' Us threw up all over it. Most of the toys, he loves. Especially the messy ones. You know, things that contain a million pieces he can scatter across the floor. Like this:

I don't know why, but it's a school bus that's filled with giant Legos. There are probably thirty big plastic Legos that go inside this thing - in other words, if left to his own devices, Mason would be happily flinging them across the apartment within ten seconds of waking up in the morning. Thankfully, I can put the Legos away, because he'd rather do this:

Pulling him around all day is a little tough on the back, but definitely easier than giving him a fifteen minute ride in a Pampers box. And hey, at least I'm not stepping on Legos in the middle of the night.

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