Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Light Switches and Life Lessons

I was carrying Mason down the hall this afternoon and he was running his hand across the wall, trying to grab at picture frames and doorknobs and the thermostat. In his (failed) attempt to bring the frames crashing down, his fingers bumped a light switch. The kitchen light turned off, and he stared in amazement at the now dark room. I flicked the switch up, the light went on, and Mason laughed as he realized he could see again. He turned it back off and we stood in the dark. On. Off. On. Off. He was beyond fascinated.

It's amazing how early we learn the fact that one tiny action - deliberate or not - can change our whole world.

1 comment:

olygirl said...

Awww! I love your header pic (not sure what you call it).