Thursday, June 11, 2009

Still Slingin'

Mason's been a little grumpy and... clingly lately. I mean, he always wants his mama, but lately I can't even pee without him climbing into my lap. This morning (after about two hours [restless!] of sleep last night) I noticed teeth number four and five juuuuust beginning to poke out from his little gums. At least there's a reason for the grumpiness.

Anyway, I carry him around most of the day, because that's what he wants. But every once in awhile, a girl just needs both of her hands. When doing laundry, for example. Or cutting up fruit. Or when something is just too big to pick up with your toes. Last night, I boinged Mason's head off the laundry room door while trying to pick up a fallen sock - that's when I decided to dig the sling out of the closet.

He actually fits in it better now than he did when I last used it (when he was six months old, maybe?). He was a lot... rounder then.

We're both a lot happier, this way.

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Ella loves to ride in hers like that too! He looks so content. :)