Monday, August 10, 2009

They Still Fit

Mase and Mads reunited after their couple week hiatus (neither Aimee nor I leave the house when it rains, so the babies hardly got to see each other the entire dreary month of July) before Aimee, Jeff, and Madelynn left for Florida. We went to Red Lobster - where Mads spooned a bowl full of mac and cheese all over her dress and Mase played in his water and flung fruit on the floor - and the park.

I only got a couple pictures of the babies in the swing together (I'm still sans Nikon)... next time we get over to the park together they might be too big for one swing. Or who knows, maybe Aimee and I will still be squeezing them in there together at two years old.

I'm sure it'll be just as cute.

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