Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't Take Away My Supermom Badge

I've been such a slacker about blogging, but I've worked the past eight out of nine days and I'm exhausted. I don't get home until about one thirty in the morning, I'm sleeping by two, and Mason wakes up at six fifteen. You do the math. Instead of blogging during nap time, I'm napping too. Until this week, I hadn't taken a nap since Mason was two months old. Now, the apartment is a wreck, breakfast remnants are still on the counter, and all I want to do is sleep.

Mase turned fifteen months old last week. He hasn't been to the doctor's in awhile, but according to my Mama Measurements he's thirty-one inches tall and about twenty-five and a half pounds.

Just because I haven't been updating doesn't mean we've been sitting around being bored all summer. We've still been keeping as busy as always, it's just that my eyes glaze over when I even think about looking at the computer screen - or anything else besides the inside of my eyelids.

Tomorrow morning, after Mase wakes up, I'm going to Atlantic City. I'll be home Wednesday night, but Mase will already be in bed... so I won't see my baby for a full forty-eight hours. It'll be the longest time I've ever been away from him by far. Honestly, I don't know how I'm going to survive. The guilt might kill me unless I hit the jackpot and come back rich.

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