Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Jumbled Story with a Devestating Ending

Mason's getting tall. Really tall. I think I'll measure him tomorrow. He's got to be thirty-five inches tall by now, at least. The point is, now that he's running all over the place, he's keeping me really busy. Too busy to blog, by the looks of things. Even too busy to take pictures, most of the time. He's fast. And man, he's tall.

Yesterday morning, I was washing a couple breakfast dishes and wiping the few casualties remaining from Mase's egg, sausage, and toast breakfast (no wonder he's so tall - the kid can EAT!) off the kitchen cabinets, when I turned my back to the little bugger for a second. Now, prior to breakfast, I was in the bathroom and Mase unrolled a bunch of toilet paper (like he always does) but this time when I chased him away from his TP streamer catastrophe a piece of it stuck to his foot. I ran out into the living room, grabbed the camera, and took some shots all while cracking up and thinking about the witty blog title I was going to use for the pictures.

So yeah, then we had breakfast. And I'd put the camera on the counter; it wasn't in its case or anything since Mase's eggs were burning and the kid was famished. Like I said, afterwards I wiped down the cabinets and did the dishes which took me about two minutes, tops. But it was two minutes too long, because I'd stopped paying attention to my fast, busy, TALL baby. Who, apparently, is tall enough to reach the kitchen counter. Tall enough to grab my beloved Nikon D40 in his sticky little baby fingers.

To sum up a painful story, two minutes was long enough for Mason to try to figure out how the inside of a camera works by ripping the lens off the body, snapping two tiny (important) pieces of plastic that hold the lens on. I gazed down at my shattered camera, took a deep breath (okay, two), and collected my baby from the floor. Then I picked up Mason.

So yes, I'm camera-less until I can somehow manage to either get this lens fixed or save enough pennies to buy the five hundred dollar one I really want. It's been twenty-four hours, and I've already missed out on taking pictures of Mase pushing Mads around on his dump truck, Mase at the park, AND the two of us feeding the fish this afternoon. Who cares if I already have three hundred pictures of the kid on a swing? Those memories are priceless.

Hopefully, I'll find a way to blog without pictures. I think I'm experiencing some kind of writer's block though. I just can't find the words to say what I want to say - hence the jumbledness of this one. But I'll find a way, even if it's a little messy. Oh, and I still have those toilet paper pictures...


Jessie said...

Oh no, Meg! I'm so sad for you! I hope you can get that new lens you've been wanting!

Can't wait for the TP pics.

Brianne said...

Oh my God! I probably would have cried. That is painful. I hope that you can get it fixed! The blog was still great, even without pictures!

Christina Ragusin said...

I'm practically weeping for you! I've pretty much been drop jaw your whole post. I have no idea what I would do. I hope you can get it fixed!!