Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Well, Excuse Me

Last night, as I was putting Mason's pajamas on, the following conversation ensued:

Me: (after a fairly long detailed explanation about my day at school [which I know means nothing to a two-year-old, but still, I like to keep him up-to-date on my life]) "... and that was Mommy's day!"

Mason: "Noisy!"

Me: (trying to listen to what he's hearing... but the house is completely silent) "What's noisy? I don't hear anything."

Mason: "Mommy noisy!"

Sorry, kid. Thought you cared.


Brianne said...

That's awesome! I LOVE conversations like that... so much fun, the things they say :) I'm so glad to see that student teaching is going well for you!!

Kristine said...

I love it when kids surprise us with their comments. :)