Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back on the Bandwagon

Alright, I need to get back on this blogging thing, otherwise, Mason's going to look back and wonder why I completely ignored him for three months of his life. I've been busy, but he's been helping. Grading 85 tests, for example, gets done in no time, thanks to Mase.

While I've been busy with school, Mason's been busy learning up a storm. He counts to ten (skipping three, usually) and then throws in fourteen, eighteen, eleven. He says a jumble of letters: A, B, F, H, H, H, G, Q, P, LMNMN, Z! and can sing "You are my Sunshine", "Twinkle, Twinkle", and some strange Halloween song. He's funny, independent, smart, and he still makes me smile every time I look at him. He's also quite the artist:

So yeah.. we're still alive and very, very well. Now let's see if I can keep up with this blogging thing a little better, shall we?

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