Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Think They Like Me

Another week of student teaching down. I realize that teaching is all I've been talking about lately but I can't seem to make myself think about anything else. Tonight, for example, I told myself I wasn't going to even take my books out of my bag. I had a date with Ben, Jerry, and David Duchovny and I was going to watch him treat women like shit on Californication while I devoured a pint of Chunky Monkey and not think about school. At all. Yet, I put Mase to bed - Mase.. I know, I've even been neglecting taking pictures of that guy, but it's taking all the energy I have to remember to feed the two of us - and here I am, writing lesson plans and blogging about school.

Somewhere, over the course of the past seven weeks, I've learned how to drop my kid off at daycare in the morning without crying. I can function on five hours of sleep, but not four and a half. Sometimes, I come up with my best ideas at 4:30AM. I can work a copy machine and, even at twenty five years old, I'm still tempted to photocopy my butt (every single time). And tenth graders... well, they're the most terrifying creatures on the planet. They're mean to each other, they get mouthy with adults, and they develop crushes on their extremely good-looking student teachers (ha).

When there's thirty of them and one of me, it's tough not to feel intimidated. But the other day, after a conversation with one of them, I realized we had the same taste in music. I'm not sure if it's a good thing that I have some of the same musical preferences as someone ten years younger than me, but in any case, it earned me some respect. It's funny, really. In the mind of a fifteen-year-old, it doesn't matter that I have a 3.7 GPA, am extremely well-read, and have kept another human alive for 2.5 years... I listen to Sublime and I listen to the Beatles. I must be cool.

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