Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ABC Pasta Hunt

Today I typed "Trader Joe's" into my GPS and Mason and I drove a half an hour each way looking for alphabet shaped pasta for his ABC party. I must have been driving without thinking, because we were almost to the ZOO before I realized how far we'd gone.

TJ's didn't have the ABC pasta (and Mason wailed "Maaaaaaayce... driiiiiiiiiiive??" the entire way home because I had the audacity to put him in the back rather than let him in the front seat with me).

And the Trader Joe's that I later discovered was only ten minutes from my apartment? Yeah. They didn't have it either.

1 comment:

Carley said...

How long till his party? I'm sure you could order some online. Or if worse comes to worse they do have ABC spaghettios. But I know that you don't like to feed Mason crap like that, let alone serve it at a birthday party.