Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day One

I'm more than halfway through my first day of cleansing. So far:

1. I need COFFEE. I had a headache most of the morning, took an hour and a half nap, and am dreading being at work 'til midnight.

2. I ate a giant salad for lunch with no cheese, no meat, no egg, no creamy dressing... just vegetables and some kind of vegan balsamic dressing. Not bad, actually.

3. Have you ever tried vegan cheese, let alone looked at it? Uh, yeah, I think that's one substitute I'll be doing without.

But this blog isn't supposed to be about me - it's about Mason. Little Mason, who obviously isn't cleansing and who had a delicious looking hotdog with real cheese and ketchup on a BUN for lunch. It took every ounce of willpower in my body not to grab that thing out of his hand and leave him lunchless.

Only 20 days to go.

1 comment:

Brianne said...

Good luck with your cleanse! As soon as my month of eating Vegan was over, I ate about fifteen pounds of chocolate. And cupcakes. LOTS of cupcakes. I definitely felt a lot healthier during the Vegan month. :) Wegman's has carries a fake chicken product called Gardein that's totally vegan and pretty delicious. It's in the Nature's Market section.