Thursday, November 5, 2009

That Poor Girl

I babysat Haylie this morning. Krissy had made the babies an appointment to get their pictures taken at JCPennys in Altoona this afternoon, so as soon as she got back from her meeting, we got them all dressed up and ready to go. While Krissy was taking her stuff to the car, I snapped a couple quick pictures of my own.

I assure you, those were the best pictures that were taken today.

We got there around one. Judging by Mason's naplessness and the looks of the girls behind the JCP counter, this was not going to be a pretty sight. To my surprise, though, the first fifteen minutes went pretty smoothly. Mase and Haylie held hands, posed for some pictures in front of the corny Christmas tree background, and even smiled a little bit. Haylie got some pictures alone, and just before Mason was getting ready to take his place in front of the camera for his solo shots, the photographer girl looks at the computer.

"Uh oh".

Yeah. The flash wasn't working. Every single smiling, loving, perfectly-posed shot was completely black. Somewhere between that moment and the flash being fixed was when Mason had his first ten meltdowns, so Haylie went first this time. She stared, blank-faced, at the girl and the stupid Elmo doll she kept putting on her head. The photographer, obviously regretting her tragic mistake, kept at it while Krissy ran to the car for a Teddy Graham bribe.

Enter Mason, stage left. With cheeks full of Teddy Grahams, the two of them glare, turn their backs to the camera, and try to escape the room. I jump around, dance like a maniac, and stand on my head (not kidding) to try to get my kid to smile. I even bust out the boob. Still nothing.

When Krissy gives up on Haylie, I plop a handful of Goldfish down on the white canvas and hope it lasts long enough to get a few good shots of Mase in. This shouldn't be difficult - he's completely photogenic and he gives the giant smile and the puppy eyes to everyone on Earth. But no. He's surly. And the photographer misses every smile Mason does happen to smile. She gets goofy faces, two of which I bought, but only because we drove the whole way to Altoona for this monkey business.

At three o'clock I stumbled out of there sweating, exhausted, and forty dollars poorer. As we're leaving, Mason turns to the equally exhausted-looking photographer, waves, and gives her the hugest grin I've ever seen.

JCPenny Photography - thumbs down. Mason sense of humor - definite thumbs up.

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