Saturday, August 9, 2008


No, we don't have any. Not yet anyway. But Mason's seriously so close to being able to roll from belly to back. He lifts his little head up and pushes and pushes but he just can't move. So frustrating, I'm sure.

I put him on the floor and watch him struggle and I cheer and act like a nut and he laughs at me which just makes his little Pillsbury arms collapse.

It's crazy how excited I am for him to roll over. I think it's mostly because the doctor said he might be a late roller since he's so chunky. I feel like my baby can definitely prove her wrong. But after he can do that I'll be waiting for him to sit up and then crawl and then walk. The only thing left after that will be driving. Ultimate mobility. Maybe I'm not in such a hurry for him to roll over.

Anyway, I'm getting real buff from carrying around 16 pounds of baby all day. And I'll carry him anywhere he needs to go until he's 18, if he'll let me.


Aimee said...
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Aimee said...

Look at that head control! He's probobly gonna crawl before Mady if she can't figure out how to use her damn arms. It's not looking good.