Sunday, October 23, 2011


These past few weeks, Mason has been learning so quickly - he's so interested in the alphabet and letter sounds and spelling (?!?!!) and I've been taking full advantage and teaching him more at every possible moment. He now knows the majority of the letter sounds, he can write most of the letters by himself, and he can SPELL and SOUND OUT three letter words with either an A or an I in the middle (and a few others). It just seems crazy to me, for a three-year-old. The sounding out part is what gets me. If I ask him how to spell "pat" he'll say, "puh - P, ah - A, tuh - T". One of my grad school classes this semester is about teaching children to read who are at risk or have a disability and focuses on this systematic approach to phonics. It's helped me teach Mason so much.

I can't wait until he can read to me.

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