Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Patch

I love the pumpkin patch. In previous years, Mason's been a little more laid back, wandering around and letting me pose him for pictures. This year, though, he grabbed a wagon on his own and went to work picking out pumpkins.

He did let me get a couple quick shots, but nothing like my photography when he wasn't so adventurous.

We ended up with SIX pumpkins and six of those little gourds.

After spending a small fortune on all those pumpkins, plus two apples and a gallon of apple cider, it was off to the corn maze.

Even last year, I pretty much had to carry Mason through the corn. This year, he was off exploring on his own while I trailed behind.

He didn't like the scary stuff, and he did ask me to hold him when he saw the alien on life support (that's a little much, right?) but he went right up to that skeleton to get his treasure - a spider ring! - which, to his dismay, he promptly lost immediately afterward at lunch.

Mason loved seeing this corn popping out! He really was amazed.

And when we found this little house he was the happiest kid ever. He still hasn't stopped talking about the little house that was "just his size". :)

When we finally found the way out, it was time for ice cream on the porch! Mason had rainbow and I took some good advice and tried the pumpkin flavor. Ohmygosh.

And you can't leave the pumpkin patch without sticking your head in one of these things. It takes some real love for your kid to go up to a complete stranger and say, "hey, will you take our picture while I stick my face in this cat head?"

Such a fun time... we can't wait to go back!

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