Thursday, January 6, 2011

Which One?

I can't fathom being too busy to run home and blog this as soon as it happened; it was such a monumental moment for Mason and I. I said I'd never do it. But, about three weeks ago, I did.

I got Mason's hair cut.

Mase has beautiful hair. Gorgeous. Long, curly, and soft. But it was getting in his eyes, and I could tell it was starting to really bother him. So, to Landon we went. Landon's been cutting my hair for probably six years, maybe more. I trust him - and I wasn't going to turn my kid over to some
stranger. I do wish I would have gotten some pictures, but it's hard to take pictures when you're sitting in a barber chair feeding the kid in your lap chocolate covered pretzels to keep him distracted while you're being sprayed in the face with water and covered in hair that isn't yours.

Honestly, Mase was fine. I was the upset one. Yes, I kept a curl. I would have kept them all if I wouldn't have looked like a whack job.


And after
- it seems silly now, but I was scared he wouldn't look as cute after his trim (it was only an inch!):

He's still perfect.

1 comment:

Demetrius' mommy. said...

Aww he is so adorable!
I love his haircut, he looks
So cute!